Social Media Platforms for Landscape Photographers in 2024
I remember once capturing my latest and greatest photograph, all enthusiast about stepping away from film camera’s into the digital era and making this even better was getting to share these images with friends, family and a newly enthusiast and growing photographic community on the web. It was something I was good at and the rewards of showcasing my hobby to the world was very gratifying.
That was more than 15 years ago now and today I use these platforms to market my profession in a complex digital age based on paid ads, algorithms, and a saturated market place. So what’s changed and what platforms are the most effective to use as a photographer looking to grow a community and market their business or hobby?
This is where these platforms stand for me now in 2024 and hopefully my experience will shed some light on how you can showcase your art to the world in the best way possible.
In summary, every photographer has their own personal experience here, and some have created themselves a large following based on what they are showcasing to that audience specifically on that platform. This blog is based on my personal experience and hopefully it will help you create what you need out there in a very complex and saturated market. I’d appreciate your feedback about your experience so please contact me through the link below